Recumbent Cycle-Con
This isn’t really specific to high-desert cycling, but for anyone who has been wondering if a recumbent might be a good alternative choice of cycles, Recumbent Cycle-Con is returning to the Fairplex in Pomona from Friday, November 1st, through Sunday, November 3rd.
Public notice
To whom it may concern: As of this morning I have resigned from the board of the Hanson Cycling Foundation (HCF), and from this point on will have no official activities or duties regarding events staged by HCF, including but not limited to the upcoming Tour de Apple Valley this Saturday, October 19th.
2013 Breast Cancer Awareness Ride (photos)
Here are some photos from this year’s Breast Cancer Awareness Ride, ably hosted by Victorville Cycles.
Biking for breast cancer awareness
VICTORVILLE — Hundreds of bicyclists will take to Victor Valley roads together this Saturday in a ride for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Bicycle Route 66
An exciting proposal to extend the United States Bicycle Route System (AKA USBRS, part of the National Corridor Plan) through our area.
Peak2Peak (photos)
Here are some photos of this year’s Peak2Peak riders going through Lucerne Valley.
Annual bike ride coming to High Desert
APPLE VALLEY — A local man with more than 400,000 miles on his bicycle is organizing one of the High Desert’s largest bike rides.
Why I ride
By James Quigg
The FC508 is coming this weekend
If you’re one of those who enjoys driving for hours to catch a moment’s glimpse of a bike rider or two, this weekend’s Furnace Creek 508 is for you.
Ride in the Rocks
For you mountain bikers, the 5th Annual Ride In The Rocks Fundraiser is coming up on November 2nd, 2013.
Peak to Peak Pedal
The 2013 Peak to Peak Pedal, a charity bike ride from Big Bear to Mammoth in support of the United States Adaptive Recreation Center (USARC), starts October 9th.
Apple Valley Reverse Triathlon (photos)
Here are some of the photos I took of the cyclists at the Apple Valley Reverse Triathlon.
Gov. Brown Signs Law Requiring Cars Give Bikes 3 Feet of Clearance
A bill requiring drivers to give bicyclists 3 feet of clearance when passing was signed into California law Monday by Gov. Jerry Brown.
AV Triathlon event to close roads
APPLE VALLEY — The town of Apple Valley has announced that some local roads will be closed during the fourth annual Reverse Triathlon.
The 2013 Trek Women BCAR
Victorville Cycles is once again hosting the local Breast Cancer Awareness Ride.
Hwy 173 Time Trials
Looks as though all of us missed this one.
The TdAV Family Ride is back
Due to popular demand, the Tour de Apple Valley Family Ride is back! The 10-mile family ride allows you to bring the entire family for one, low price.
New signage for the 2013 TdAV
The Tour de Apple Valley has some new signage for the ride this year. Thanks go out to Patrick Weber Designs.
2013 TdAV signs are going up
The signs are going up for the 2013 Tour de Apple Valley. Register today to ride. Proceeds go to improving cycling right here in the high desert.
Pickup hits, kills cyclist in Phelan
PHELAN — A 29-year-old man riding a bicycle was struck and killed Thursday night on Highway 138 near Gramercy Road in Phelan, according to California Highway Patrol spokesman Matt Hunt.