Date set for 2011 Tour de Apple Valley
Pat Hanson has set October 22nd as the date for the 2011 Tour de Apple Valley. Although details are not yet available, this annual event typically includes metric century and metric half-century rides through Apple Valley.
This year’s event will be sponsored by the Town of Apple Valley. In previous years, the sponsor was the Police Activities League (PAL).
Start and finish a fun and safe ride at Civic Center Park. All riders receive a t- shirt and a goody bag! The ride coincides with the 10th Annual Happy Trails Chili Cook Off, by the Rotary Club of Apple Valley, and each rider receives one free admission! Head over after the ride for live music, food and drinks, a car show and more! (Additional entries are $5) Pre-register by October 7th. All participants will be required to sign a registration form and waiver prior to the star of the race.
Entry fees:
$50 pre-registration for Half Century or Century $60 after October 7 or day of the race $70 for tandem riders
Ride start location:
Apple Valley Civic Center 14999 Dale Evans Parkway Apple Valley, CA 92307
Mail payments and entry forms to: Town of Apple Valley Park & Recreation Department 14955 Dale Evans Parkway Apple Valley, CA 92307 Make checks payable to: Town of Apple Valley