2016 Victor Valley Bicycle Tour (video)
Hesperia, CA. On October 29th 2016 The high desert held their 2nd annual Victor Valley Bicycle Tour (VVBT). This year the event remembers two local fallen bicyclists. Proceeds used to promote California’s 3 feet for safety act in the high desert. This video covers highlights of the 100 mile route. Other routes available were 62, 25, and 10 mile family ride.
City hosts second Victor Valley Bicycle Tour
HESPERIA — Laces tied and sweatbands on, cyclists readied themselves at the starting line as they rode across the High Desert for the 2nd Annual Victor Valley Bicycle Tour in honor of two local bicycle enthusiasts who died this year.
Cyclists are coming your way
Victor Valley Bicycle Tour returns for second year; will honor two local enthusiasts
Town of Apple Valley bike path plans
Riding to remember
- On a Sunday cruise, bicyclists pay tribute to AVHS counselor Pulice
Apple Valley Town Council approves $300K increase on road construction project
- Work will include overlay of Dale Evans Parkway, widening of Ramona Road
Cycling to bring awareness
Journey of Hope team to raise funds, bring awareness for those struggling with disabilities
Town of Apple Valley bike path plans
Adopted budget 2016
Smitty Smith updates the Town Council of Apple Valley on the VVBT
Apple Valley road work alert
As part of a Safe Routes to Schools project, a mile of Ramona Road, between Navajo and Central roads, is being reconstructed. Additionally, curb, gutters, new asphalt and striping will be completed in front of Rancho Verde Elementary School. Construction should be complete by the end of July 2016.
Victorville Arrowhead Drive and Seventh Avenue Complete Streets Project
Caltrans Division of Local Assistance, MS-1 Attention: Chief, Office of Active Transportation and Special Programs P.O. Box 942874 Sacramento, CA 94274-0001
Safety first at bike rodeo
The Victor Valley Bicycle Tour hosted a free children’s Bicycle Road-eo on Saturday at Victor Valley College’s lower campus. The event stressed bicycle safety, and upon successful completion of a short course, each elementary-aged child received a free helmet and was entered into a raffle to win one of 11 new bikes.
Victorville bicycle workshop
VICTORVILLE — The community is invited to attend a workshop about the City of Victorville’s “Complete Streets” improvement project. The workshop will be held June 8 at 4:30 p.m. at Mojave Vista Elementary School.
The Bear Valley Road Class 1 Bike Path: Q’s and A’s
- From the Town of Apple Valley
Letter RE: Active Transportation Program (ATP)
Apple Valley, Bear Valley Road Bike/Ped Pathway Connector
Survey: Bear Valley Road Bike/Pedestrian Pathway Connector
In partnership with Victor Valley College, the Town of Apple Valley is applying for grant funding to construct approximately 0.3 mile bicycle path consisting of a Class 1 two-way path to connect Victor Valley College upper parking lot on the south entrance to campus down to Fish Hatchery Road. The project will enhance safety and mobility, increase access and connectivity to a network of bicycle/pedestrian paths and trails, and encourage recreation and physical activity opportunities. Your responses to the following questions will be very helpful.
Victorville Road Race & Crit June 18th & 19th
Presented By Majestic Cycling
16th annual Bike 4 Shoes
Attention Cycling Enthusiasts!
SANBAG Safe Routes to School and Pedestrian Plan Meeting
Hello Apple Valley Safe Routes to School Stakeholders,
Join us at Apple Valley’s Safe Routes to School Walk/Bike Audits
Hello Community Members,