Cycling tips for those getting back on a bike
The weather’s finally getting nicer, so the local news is running stories about cycling.
Bike lane inauguration
About a dozen brave folks gathered tonight’s bike ride to inaugurate the bike lane on Dale Evans Parkway. We had a great time despite the late hour, chilly weather, and the even chillier wind. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported Healthy Apple Valley, and cycling in the high desert.
CalTrans clean-up on Hwy 18
CalTrans has a crew out power-sweeping the “bike lane” on the south side of Hwy 18 through Apple Valley — finally. With any luck, they’ll do the whole thing, both sides, through Apple Valley, so those of us with skinny tires don’t have to venture into the traffic lanes to avoid all the debris in the emergency/bike lane that’s been there since the last resurfacing.
Sample letter in support of the new bike lane
There’s now a new deadline of March 17th to submit letters in support of the new bike lane. Here’s a sample letter:
Help support a new bike lane
The Town of Apple Valley needs community support to build a new bike lane.
Apple Valley Road cleaning
The street cleaner was out on Apple Valley Road yesterday, so the piece of gypsum board is gone from the SB bike lane, as is the “lick” of sand, rocks, and gravel on the NB side of the intersection with Keota. They seem not to have cleaned all the way down to Bear Valley Road, so there is still some debris and the odd section with broken glass, but overall, riding conditions are now much better.
Adelanto City Council meeting
Local super-cyclist Chuck Hanson is on the agenda of this week’s Adelanto City Council meeting to talk about bike lanes in Adelanto. The meeting starts at 7:00 PM, and we’re urging all cyclists in the high desert to attend to support Chuck. Once there, you too can sign up to address the city council, and voice your opinion. The meeting is open to everyone, not just to residents of Adelanto.
Bike fitting
Victorville Cycles now offers professional fitting consultations. It takes approximately two hours and costs $125.00. Kevin is certified by Trek and has done several fittings already with fantastic feedback. If you’re interested, call and schedule an appointment.
Just remember …
Just remember as you bike around the high desert, bundled up against the cold and swerving to avoid the puddles and wash-outs, that Global Warming is the reason why our temperatures are so high, and that we’re in a La Nina year, so it’s gonna be dry this season.
VVBC A group riders
I was standing by the side of the road this morning with my camera, minding my own business, when who should ride by but the VVBC A group?
Sunday morning time trial set
Sorry about the late notice, but there will be a time trial this morning at 8:00 A.M. at Virginia Park in Apple Valley (on Central, just north of Waalew). It is being put on by members of the Victor Valley Bicycle Club, with an aim toward making this a monthly event. The first riders go off at 8:30. There’s no cost, and everyone is welcome. See the announcement here: https://vvcycling.49.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=108
Sunday morning time trial results
Dave Nocera set up a local time trial so high desert riders wouldn’t have to go down the hill (and pay an entry fee). For this first time trial of the series, the riders were Dave Nocera, Greg Nowacki, and Tommie Stephenson.
Update on local road conditions
Although the adverse road conditions created by the recent storms weren’t too bad, they were widespread enough that road crews have yet to get everything cleaned up fully. Be prepared for small patches of sand, dirt, and gravel.
C rides
The Victor Valley Bicycle Club already offers A and B rides: A rides for the truly speedy, and the B rides for those less so. The B rides are billed as “no drop,” which usually means that no matter how slow you are, someone will wait for you.
Discount coupons available
On a recent trip south (AKA “down the hill”), I stopped by Peoplemovers in Orange, which sells all manner of bicycles, but mostly recumbents. Jim the owner gave me a handful of coupons good for $50 off on the purchase of a bike from them. So, if you are in the market for a recumbent and don’t mind going to Orange, make certain you get one of these coupons from me first. If you do buy a bike, Jim will kick back a couple bucks to me, which will help offset the cost of maintaining this site.
Winter road conditions
The recent rains have left a lot of debris on the roads, but the road crews seem to be getting things cleaned up pretty quickly. You still have to pay attention to the deeper piles and sand, dirt, and mud, as the narrow tires commonly found on road bikes don’t negotiate these too well. You also have to pay attention to the gravel that’s washed out onto the roadway, as some of the pieces are sharp enough to slice your sidewalls.
BMX Freestyle coming to Apple Valley
The Apple Valley town council has approved around $248,000 to upgrade James Woody Skatepark to allow BMX bikes. The town took in over $300,000 from the sale of a cell tower located in one of our parks. They are using the money from that to upgrade the park.
Dale Evans Bike Lane Kick-Off
Bring your bike as we ride the Dale Evans Parkway bike lane. Meet at the Lenny Brewster Sports Center, 21024 Otoe Road on March 24th at 6:30 pm. The ride starts at 6:45 pm. The ride will be to Waalew Road and back. Helmets are a must.
Lights for night riding
Recent studies have shown that multiple lights on your bike are more visible to drivers than a single super-bright light.
All-around strength
The December 2010 issue of Bicycling magazine (pg. 46) had an article on how to work out to supplement your cycling. Unfortunately, the regimen and process discussed won’t be for everyone.