PRESENT: Linda Mayfield, Greg Raven, Pat Hansen, Chuck Hansen, Kevin Mahany

The committee brainstormed on areas it wishes to be active with. These included:

  1. Advocacy Support: The sub-committee sees opportunities providing advocacy support during committee submittal of health promotion grants, especially those promoting physical activity and street and community safety. Currently the Town is developing a Safe Routes to Schools grant for the community of Vista Loma. The grant is to be submitted in July. The committee believes advocacy letters can enhance the Town’s request. Additionally, the sub-committee identified the proposed Yucca Loma Bridge and the opportunity of confirming the design of cycle and walking accommodations by both the Town and City of Victorville. ACTION ITEMS: Linda Mayfield and Kevin Mahany to help draft letter of support for committee member and community signing. Contact Richard Paterson and Brad Miller regarding Yucca Loma Bridge.

  2. Education: The sub-committee agreed that a presentation on the Town’s Bicycle Path system is required to best understand key issues including but not limited to: # of existing cycle lanes; plan priorities for expanding system in communities and on major town roadways; education on Class I, II and III paths; street repaving and cleaning; Yucca Loma Bridge; working with Cal-Trans; bicycles and Outer 18 roadways; a possible cycle lane connecting Apple Valley to the lower campus of Victor Valley Community College. ACTION ITEM: Kevin and Linda to contact Richard Paterson for a presentation June 7th or 10th.

  3. Bicycle/street education to the general public: Members of the sub-committee felt the need to educate the general public on using bicycle lanes; educating bicycle and street safety to cyclers and drivers of automobiles. ACTION ITEM: None at this time.
  4. Town Survey: The sub-committee discussed the need to better assess bicycle racks and their accessible for public use — especially in areas where the Town is promoting residential access to retail shopping via sidewalks and bicycle lanes. Two areas discussed included the Town’s Market Center and Jess Ranch. ACTION ITEM: Develop assessment, conduct assessment.