The 2023 Victor Valley Bicycle Tour
October 28, 2023 — Apple Valley Civic Center, CA
Victor Valley Bicycle Tour is to raise awareness of safe bicycling in our communities and to promote cycling as a healthy lifestyle for both recreation and transportation.
Family Fun — 10 Mile (10:00 a.m.)
The Tour — 30 Mile (starts at 8:30 a.m.)
Grand Tour — 62 Mile (starts at 8:00 a.m.)
Join the fun by signing up at
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Is the Victor Valley Bicycle Tour a for-profit company?
- No, the Victor Valley Bicycle Tour is not a for-profit community organization. All funds received for events come solely from registration fees and donations from local municipalities, businesses and other community donors. These fees/donations will provide for the full cost of the event as well as providing events, service, and improvements to the Victor Valley.
- Who handles the Victor Valley Bicycle Tour’s money?
- We have a 501c3 (non-profit organization) who handles all money.
- Who makes up the Victor Valley Bicycle Tour?
- The Victor Valley Bicycle Tour is being spearheaded by three local municipalities (Town of Apple Valley, City of Hesperia, and City of Victorville) with additional assistance from residents and community members.
- What is the helmet policy?
- We require all cyclists to wear a helmet during our ride.
- How does one contact VVBT for more information?
- Contact us through our FaceBook page.
- Have I heard of VVBT?
- Yes! The VVBT provides the “Pass bicycles 3 feet min” signs around the Victor Valley. VVBC also provided the bike fix-it stations on the new bike lane along the Mojave River and at Hesperia Civic Park.
- Are e-bikes allowed?
- Yes, class 1 and 2 e-bikes are allowed.
- Is there a time limit?
- No, but the event volunteers would like all riders to finish by 4 p.m.